Thursday, May 20, 2010

Almighty Losers!

Of what little I know of mythology, and history – and; perhaps this is Universal, be it in Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, or Zorastrians – the gods have always been portrayed as losers!

Each of these gods and saints could have done so much more, asserted themselves, used their powers, `shown off their attitude’ and emerged winners. Instead they displayed calmness and poise, magnanimity and alacrity, humility and modesty, patience and tolerance, and the right attitude.

But populism dictates that attitude is directly proportional to aggression, that equals assertivensess, and in short that equals materialistic possessions to determine as to whether you won or lost. History is replete with such examples – of those who had the all conquering attitude and what happened to those people like Alexander, Napolean, and Hitler.

Leaders across cultures wanted to expand their kingdoms, geographical borders through conquest, subjugation, war and thus declare they were the supreme. The deep desire was to establish themselves as the almighty of the world that mattered to them. We too like to show of our attitude of being an able leader, captain, statesman.

We all love to master our environments, be it home or workplace or life. We want to be on top of everything we do, or like to perceive that we are on the top. People who do so tend to consider themselves as the masters or as greats (winners).

We all get into this trap. An Ego state that gives you the inherent qualities of being Over Ambitious, Hyper competitive, Over controlling nature, and hungry for rewards, recognition. In this state one also tends to be too resistant to feedback, too unwilling to change, and inflexible, and most important “Showing-Off” Attitude. Take a peek into history, those were the qualities of Evils and Demons.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Lemon and Spoon and Lessons in Life!

A young kid lined up at the staring line of a lemon and spoon race in school along with seven other competitors. A spoon in the mouth, held between the those tender lips supported by brittle milk teeth, and a lemon to provide the tension at the other end of the spoon. On your marks, Get Set, Go Prr… the whistle blows and the race begins.

The young kid is thrilled as he paces through the tracks, and delightfully discovers being the leader of the pack. In that state of glee, paces forward, to only discover that the slight glance, that slight tilt of looking around turns out to be disastrous, and being only a meter away from the finish line, the lemon drops. Along with this some tears roll down the eye, and then onto the ground, but no one wants to come to even console you for your effort, because they have to gather and note down the name of the winners – who came first, second and third.

Tsunami of thoughts take over your state of mind, and you conversations, I had almost won it, but…; I was the actually the able one, but…, The spoon that I got was heavier than the others, yet…, The lemon I got was not regular shaped, hence…,

The situation is plain and simple. Just get on with life, rather than pause at that moment, for that condition is a state of stagnancy, a state of tension on any appliance or device, otherwise one will have to catch up with present.

The young kid now sat by the sidelines and watched the finals of the lemon and spoon race, with wild thought running through. I could have been there, but.. and that state of thought continued, till the race began. As the whistle blew, one kid ambled at a brisk pace, didn’t look right of left and just breasted the tape to emerge the winner. The usual celebrations, accolades and customary congratulations happened.

So, it is all about you and me, for we too have passed through these moments. Live your world, live your life – don’t attempt the precarious angles to look around on who’s doing what and where am I? You too could face the same consequences.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Majority Wins Minority Loses!

Majority Wins Minority Loses!

The first thing we learn when we are playing, that is because we are trying to determine as to who will give the `den’ in whatever game we are playing. As children we don’t even know the meaning of majority and minority, except the fact that the person who is the `odd one out’ has to give the `den’ first.

So as we grow up, we are conditioned to do what the majority do – because that is the accepted norm. If you don’t follow the herd, then either you are crazy, and you persist with your craziness, then you are a rebel (loser).

Issues across the globe and concerning the globe have their own pros and cons. There are these sets of nations / opinion leaders who based on ideologies, beliefs, history that take sides, and shape your thoughts.

The game here is a more complicated, because life doesn’t end here – for there is something called a VETO which is vested in the hands of a handful of nations. We see the same veto being played on us in real life in some situations and that get very frustrating.

There is the second and the more puzzling one of group formation when the same principle is applied and 100% is expected to accept the WINNER who may even be liked by say 50.01%. The balance 49.99% has to comply.

Even greater is the so called tendency to manipulate oneself from the minority status and get together all like minded ones, and pick out a minority chunk of the majority to render them minority and stake claim.

Children Games, but Governments, Institutions, Associations, Groups, Clubs, everywhere – you see “Majority Wins – Minority Loses”. So do we say Manipulation Wins, Guile Wins, Minority forged into Majority Wins and Majority torn into Minority Loses!

Odds have become prized, locate them and gather them – for if birds of the same feather flock together, you could be the Majority.

Complicated, but true!