Saturday, September 4, 2010


The first sound of communication that you make in this world is a CRY. That sound makes so many of them happy. The father, the grand parents, the relatives who tend to be at the hospital and get the news that you have been born, and as soon as you arrived, you signaled your arrival with a CRY!

That Cry is your communication tool for the next six to eight months, till you learn to cry in tunes and communicate your moods through different tones of CRYING.

There is a CRY of despair, a CRY of Hunger, a CRY of pain, a CRY for complain, and a CRY of satisfaction that is usually a subsiding one. CRY in flavours – this must be something new, you might think. Well come to think of it, we use this basic tool and modify this in different ways in various parts of our life. This typically ends at the age of five, and may manifest itself on occasions, but very rarely. This phase is CRYAGE!

When you grow up, and try to CRY, people say – How can you CRY? You have now grown up, come on, wipe your tears. But you still want to CRY and you cannot, so you learn to CRIB! You CRIB about everything, and you discover that this is better than just a plain CRY, for you have moved a step higher in the ladder, and through CRIBBING, you can actually colour someone’s opinion of another person. You can colour OPINIONS! From a simple CRY communicator, you become a CRIB communicators, and this starts typically at five and continues as you age. This is CRIBBAGE!

As you mature, you learn a new art and that Is you cannot CRIB, so you GOSSIP, which is the most advanced state of CRYING, but you don’t shed tears, you revel in talking about someone, something, some act, some deed, and now SHAPE Opinions, Create Perceptions, so you become SCULPTIORS.

So it all started with a simple act of CRY – to herald your entry into this world, you then learn flavours of CRYING, you evolve to CRIB, and then mature to get on to CHIT-CHATTING (GOSSIP!)

No wonder there are tears and tears in GOSSIP serials that one gets to watch on television. For one who cries, we like to call that person a loser, because the tear is to show anguish over a situation that seems lost, and one is tyring to attract sympathy by shedding a tear.

Our submission – loose Chit-Chatting (Gossip) has increased exponentially in recent years, for that is the way we are being brought up, for that is what the media revels in presenting and we digest all that. Loose Chit-Chatting (GOSSIPING) is a fine art of losing.

Welcome to the LOSER society!


  1. Well captured sir! there is no win-win situation... it's captured in full spirit in the song form Sagar "koi sab jeete sab koi haar de"... "apni to har hai yaar mere"

    It really does'nt matter what we are or who we are... we are all losers relatively speaking :)


  2. cool... from all you say, i would deduct that "CRYAGE"is the most innocent and hence the best way to be.... we should applaud the Bravehearts who can cry even when they're old..l. probably they're the purer of the lot of us
