Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why Chronicles? Why Loser? Why Chronicles of a Loser!

This post comes after a near 100 days break on the blog, or facebook or twitter. This break made me introspect as to what was it that I had set out to do and what was I really doing, was it in keeping with the direction that I was seeking or was I getting lost in the wilderness of not being able to communicate anything. So I basically decided to revisit the title and perhaps dissect it by the meaningful words. (THIS PARA IS NOT A PART OF THE BOOK)

Chronicles is a word that one tends to associate to perhaps movies or publications (newspapers) that try to present to you the evolution of an individual or a subject, event or just developments and analysis of the same. The objective of Chronicles in our title is also the same, where we are trying to arrive at a proposition that we develop a fear psychosis of being a loser and try to pose winners all our lives.

Loser is basically a perennial state in which we all exist, where we are trying to come out of a maze that we get ourselves into naturally, or by design, and are trying to fight our way out of it. Some succeed, some don’t, and hence the classification of winners and losers. Those who succeed start living in Ivory Tower, and start condescendingly looking down upon people who are down (losers), while those (losers) who are aspiring to reach the Ivory Tower, have an aspiration and are working hard towards achieving something. They are not plagued by complacency and adapt faster, rather than adopt a status.

This process of classification continues, and those who reach the Ivory Tower are select few, but there are many amongst those in the ground who start prophesying the demerits of the Ivory Tower, and how they are happy to be where they are.

As Children, we are protected, incubated, given happiness, made to feel winners all the time, so that we develop an illusion of life – Losers! As a Teenager, you want to break free of everything, but it is now that most of the shackles come in terms of disciplining, controlling – all in the name of shaping and guiding, but turning that person into a bigger rebel – Loser. The rebel matures to be an adult, and has many aspirations – but some get caught in the parental pressure of following the tradition, while a select few break free. Some succeed and get complacent and fall again, while those who did not succeed blame life – Losers.

Many aver that Marital Life is a gamble, and how that shapes up is itself a challenge, and again some succeed, while some feel they committed the gravest mistake of their life. Yet one can just pause and crib, as life goes on. Parenthood is another challenge, and some cope up with it, while some just journey through it like a responsibility. As one ages and decides to hang up one’s shoes, there are experiences to share, but no one willing to listen. Towards the old age, others are counting your days faster, while you are still recounting your time.

What an Irony for this one person who came through this roller coaster ride of life, seeing the zenith and nadir, went through the peaks and troughs, maneuvered the ups and downs of life – balancing it like a balance sheet, but be considered a liability towards the end. A true LOSER!

So, while we want to go and read books, join programmes on Self Development, Transformation, Change Management so that we can become winners, it is important to realize that there is nothing to be a Loser, because life challenges us to come out as winners, but not consider yourself as Invincible one!

If you do a self effacing introspection of your life, Classification, Calibrations, Comparisons, Clarifications -- that's what we all end up doing.

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